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In strange orbits: Volume 1 (In strange orbits - bundles, Band 1) - Somoza Garcia, Ramón und Ramón Somoza Garcia
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Somoza Garcia, Ramón und Ramón Somoza Garcia:

In strange orbits: Volume 1 (In strange orbits - bundles, Band 1) - Pasta blanda

2016, ISBN: 9788415981404

[PU: Editorial Dragón], 310 Seiten Taschenbuch, Größe: 10.2 x 1.6 x 15.2 cm 37876921/1001 Altersfreigabe FSK ab 0 Jahre, DE, [SC: 3.00], gebraucht; sehr gut, gewerbliches Angebot, Impresi… Más…

Gastos de envío:Versand nach Deutschland. (EUR 3.00) Buchpark GmbH
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€ 13,76
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Ramon Somoza:

In Strange Orbits Volume 1 1 in Strange Orbits Bundle - Pasta blanda

2005, ISBN: 9788415981404

Softcover, PLEASE NOTE, WE DO NOT SHIP TO DENMARK. New Book. Shipped from UK in 4 to 14 days. Established seller since 2000. Please note we cannot offer an expedited shipping service from… Más…

Gastos de envío:más gastos de envío Fairford, GLOS, Paperbackshop International
por IberLibro.com
€ 19,25
Envío: € 4,571
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Ramon Somoza:
In Strange Orbits Volume 1 1 In Strange Orbits Bundle - Pasta blanda


ISBN: 8415981406

[EAN: 9788415981404], Libro nuevo, [SC: 4.57], [PU: Editorial Dragon], New Book. Shipped from UK. THIS BOOK IS PRINTED ON DEMAND. Established seller since 2000., Books

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€ 15,61
Envío: € 4,441
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2016, ISBN: 8415981406

[EAN: 9788415981404], Libro nuevo, [SC: 4.44], [PU: EDITORIAL DRAGÓN], Questo è un articolo print on demand, Books

NEW BOOK. Gastos de envío: EUR 4.44 Brook Bookstore On Demand, Napoli, NA, Italy [85430787] [Calificación: 5 (de 5)]
por IberLibro.com
€ 85,50
Envío: € 7,001
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Somoza García, Ramón:
In strange orbits: Volume 1 (In Strange Orbits - Bundle) - Pasta blanda

2016, ISBN: 8415981406

[EAN: 9788415981404], [SC: 7.0], [PU: Editorial Dragón], Books

Gastos de envío: EUR 7.00 Blue Rock Books, Marbella, MA, Spain [73036531] [Calificación: 5 (de 5)]

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Datos bibliográficos del mejor libro coincidente

Detalles del libro
In Strange Orbits - Volume 1

Páginas: 310 Géneros: 12:FL:Science fiction 12:FLS:Space opera Sinopsis: Only ten years old, Tanit is a genius and the youngest astrobiologist in history. For that reason she has been authorized to journey to the newly founded colony of Thuis, fifty light-years from Earth. There she will finally join her mother, who left for the colony two years before. But Tanit has no idea of the terrible events looming in her future that will force her to fend for herself in a hostile universe. Contains the first five episode of this science-fiction series

Detalles del libro - In Strange Orbits - Volume 1

EAN (ISBN-13): 9788415981404
ISBN (ISBN-10): 8415981406
Tapa blanda
Año de publicación: 2016
Editorial: Editorial Dragón Core >1

Libro en la base de datos desde 2016-09-13T10:14:32+02:00 (Madrid)
Libro encontrado por última vez el 2024-06-07T13:52:39+02:00 (Madrid)
ISBN/EAN: 9788415981404

ISBN - escritura alterna:
84-15981-40-6, 978-84-15981-40-4

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