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Practicum de psicologia : fonaments, reflexions i propostes - Villar, Esperança
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Villar, Esperança:

Practicum de psicologia : fonaments, reflexions i propostes - Pasta blanda

ISBN: 9788496742444

[ED: Taschenbuch], [PU: Documenta Universitaria], ?The work that we present in this book is the result of a project of improvement to the quality of the Pràcticum in the studies of Psycho… Más…

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Practicum de psicologia : fonaments, reflexions i propostes - Villar, Esperança
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Villar, Esperança:

Practicum de psicologia : fonaments, reflexions i propostes - Pasta blanda

ISBN: 9788496742444

[ED: Taschenbuch], [PU: Documenta Universitaria], ?The work that we present in this book is the result of a project of improvement to the quality of the Pràcticum in the studies of Psycho… Más…

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Practicum De Psicologia - [Livre en VO] - libro usado

ISBN: 9788496742444

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€ 23,75
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Villar, Esperan:
Practicum de Psicologia - libro nuevo

ISBN: 9788496742444

Practicum de Psicologia editado por Documenta Universitaria

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Practicum de Psicologia
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Practicum de Psicologia - libro nuevo

ISBN: 9788496742444

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Detalles del libro
Practicum de Psicologia

?The work that we present in this book is the result of a project of improvement to the quality of the Pràcticum in the studies of Psychology of the University of Girona, triggered by the complexity and the specific nature of this subject and in order to try to answer the challenges of the current universitary education of students of Psychology. This project gives rise to a series of ideas that aimed to take into account the need to offer students a training experience that met their expectations and, at the same time, aimed to adapt the subject to the demands for the European Space of Superior Education.\n

Detalles del libro - Practicum de Psicologia

EAN (ISBN-13): 9788496742444
ISBN (ISBN-10): 849674244X
Tapa blanda
Año de publicación: 2007
Editorial: Documenta Universitaria
376 Páginas
Idioma: spa/Spanisch

Libro en la base de datos desde 2008-06-26T21:12:56+02:00 (Madrid)
Libro encontrado por última vez el 2024-08-15T22:41:18+02:00 (Madrid)
ISBN/EAN: 9788496742444

ISBN - escritura alterna:
84-96742-44-X, 978-84-96742-44-4
Mode alterno de escritura y términos de búsqueda relacionados:
Autor del libro: aymerich, villar
Título del libro: practicum

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